Broiler Feed

Pullet Feed

Layer Feed

Game Fowl Feed

CP 520- Chick Starter Feed

Day 0-4 weeks of age

  • Based on the concept of balanced energy, protein and amino acid with the combination of selected raw materials
  • Chick starter encourages good development of digestive system and body structure
  • Better growth performance and weight will be attained to support for their next growing stage

CP 521- Chick Grower 1 Feed

4-8 weeks of age

  • Based on the concept of balanced energy, protein and amino acid with the combination of selected raw materials
  • It encourages substantial growth especially in muscle and body structure development
  • The chicken growth performance will be optimized and attain high weight standard


8-16 weeks of age

  • Based on the concept of balanced energy, protein and amino acid with the combination of selected raw materials.
  • Ideal for promoting high feed intake as a result the chicken will be able to strengthen reproductive system prior to egg production stage
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